bunnell gentle ventilation

Multicenter controlled trial comparing high-frequency jet ventilation and conventional mechanical ventilation in newborn infants with pulmonary interstitial emphysema

Jul 25, 1991 | Advances in Neonatal Care, CLINICAL RESEARCH, PIE Neonates / Airleak

Martin Keszler, MD. Steven M. Donn, MD, Richard L. Bucciarelli. MD. Dale C. Alverson, MD, Montgomery Hart. MD. Victor Lunyong, MD. Houchang D. Modanlou. MD. Akihiko Noguchi. MD. Stephen A. Pearlman. MD, Asha Purl, MD. David Smith, MBChB. Robert Stavis. PhD. MD. Margaret N. Watkins. MD. and Thomas R. Harris. MD From the Deportments of Pedlotrlcs, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; University of Flor!Clo, Gainsvllle, University of New Mexico. Albuquerque: St. Joseph Hospital and Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Phoenix, Arizona; Ochsner Foundation Hospital, New Orleans, Loulslona; University ot California, Irvine: St. Louis University, St Louis. Missouri. Medical Center or Delaware. Newark. Cedars Sinai Medical Center. Los Angeles. Coliforrno; Stanford University. S1onford, California; Bryn Mawr Hospltal, Bryn Mawr. Pennsylva­nia, St. Luke’s Hospital, Boise. Idaho. and ST. Mary Hospital. Grand Junction. Colorado
