Single center experience with first-intention high-frequency jet vs. volume-targeted ventilation in extremely preterm neonates
Dimitrios Rallis1,2, Danielle Ben-David1, Kendra Woo1,
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Response to High Frequency Jet Ventilation in Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns with Respiratory Failure: A Tertiary Center Experience
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High Frequency Jet Ventilation (HFJV) In Mature Infants With Non-Homogeneous Lung Disease And Severe Gas Trapping
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Marked Reduction in Mean Airway Pressure and Oxygenation Index Using High Frequency Jet Ventilation in Neonates with Refractory Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure
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Marked Reduction in Mean Airway Pressure and Oxygenation Index Using High Frequency Jet Ventilation in Neonates with Refractory Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure.
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High-Frequency Jet Ventilation in Neonatal and Pediatric Subjects: A Narrative Review
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Effect of Closed Endotracheal Tube Suction Method, Catheter Size, and Post-Suction Recruitment During High-Frequency Jet Ventilation in an Animal Model
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High-frequency jet ventilation improves gas exchange in extremely immature infants with evolving chronic lung disease
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High Positive End-Expiratory Pressure During High-Frequency Jet Ventilation Improves Oxygenation and Ventilation in Preterm Lambs
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Multicenter Controlled Clinical Trial of High-frequency Jet Ventilation in Preterm Infants With Uncomplicated Respiratory Distress Syndrome
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