bunnell gentle ventilation

It’s Hi-time to Understand I-time: Relevance to Mechanical Ventilation Across the Frequency Spectrum

Jun 6, 2022 | Hall of Fame

Jane Pillow

Jane Pillow, BMedSci MBBS FRACP PhD
Professor of Pediatrics
Perth, Western Australia

Bio and photo from The University of Western Australia
Dr. Pillow’s LinkedIn

Dr. Jane Pillow, from Perth, Western Australia, provides an important lecture on the importance of I-time and time constants during mechanical ventilation. Dr. Pillow’s lecture covers the affects on time constants, both inspiratory and expiratory, during CMV, surfactant administration, HFOV, and HFJV. It is difficult to overstate the importance of this lecture for anyone caring for babies who are receiving mechanical ventilation.


An Introduction to HFJV

Sherry Courtney, M.D., M.S.Arkansas Children's HospitalLittle Rock, AR Bio and Photo from Arkansas Children’sDr. Courtney’s LinkedIn Dr. Sherry Courtney, from Arkansas Children's Medical Center offers a thorough, entertaining, and educational overiew of the Life Pulse...

Pediatric HFJV: A Clinical Approach

Ira Cheifetz, MDRainbow Babies & Children's HospitalCleveland, OH Bio and Photo from University HospitalsDr. Cheifetz LinkedIn Dr. Ira Cheifetz, previously from Durham, NC, now practicing in Cleveland, Ohio, offers practical guidelines for applying the right...