Obsolescence Notification for the LifePulse™ High Frequency Ventilator Model 203 More Info Here
Bunnell Inc. has moved all operations to 330 Cutler Dr., North Salt Lake, UT 84054 More Info Here
LifePulse™ 204
Bunnell’s High-Frequency Jet Ventilator provides superior physiologic impacts and unique therapeutic flexibility. It’s also highly effective and easy to operate.

LifePulse™ 204: The Clinical Advantages of Jet Ventilation
Learn more about the life-saving technology that has been saving babies since 1988.
For a free trial or additional training, call 800.800.4358 (HFJV).
Clinical Research: Advances in Neonatal Care
Single center experience with first-intention high-frequency jet vs. volume-targeted ventilation in extremely preterm neonates
Dimitrios Rallis1,2, Danielle Ben-David1, Kendra Woo1,Jill Robinson1, David Beadles1, Laura Bernardini1,Elisa Abdulhayoglu1, Elizabeth Flanigan1 and Helen Christou1*Related
HFJV: Optimizing Gas Exchange and Outcome by Matching Ventilator Strategy to Disease Pathophysiology
Martin Keszler, MDBrown UniversityProvidence, RI Bio from Brown UniversityPhoto from LinkedIn Dr. Martin Keszler, from Providence, RI, puts his many years of HFJV research and experience into a concise, important lecture that covers Jet fundamentals. Dr. Keszler...
Response to High Frequency Jet Ventilation in Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns with Respiratory Failure: A Tertiary Center Experience
S. Grazioli 3, G. Stacey 1, J. Claydon 1, B. Kuzeljevic 2, J. Panczuk 1,Related
Clinical Research: PIE Neonates
Use of jet ventilation in thoracoscopic tracheo-esophageal fistula repair—can both surgeons and anesthesiologists be happy?
PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA Melissa Ehlers, Chad Pezzano, Laura Leduc, John Brooks, Plinio Silva, Helena Oechsner, Anica Crnkovic, Igor Galay & Farzana Afroze Departments of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USARelated
Ventilation of a 7 Year Old Victim of Crush Injury to the Upper Chest with Tracheal Bronchial Tears Using High Frequency Jet Ventilation
Joseph A. La Spada, Julie A. Long, Jorge Del Toro, and Jackson Wong, Division of Pediatrics and Division of Pediatric Surgery, Broward General Medical Center, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316. Presented at the 1998 Snowbird Conference on High Frequency Ventilation.Related
Multicenter controlled trial comparing high-frequency jet ventilation and conventional mechanical ventilation in newborn infants with pulmonary interstitial emphysema
Martin Keszler, MD. Steven M. Donn, MD, Richard L. Bucciarelli. MD. Dale C. Alverson, MD, Montgomery Hart. MD. Victor Lunyong, MD. Houchang D. Modanlou. MD. Akihiko Noguchi. MD. Stephen A. Pearlman. MD, Asha Purl, MD. David Smith, MBChB. Robert Stavis. PhD. MD....