This website contains scientific and medical publications for purposes of scientific information exchange. These publications may discuss uses that have not been approved or cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration. The publications linked to on this site are all third-party peer-reviewed publications or documents from scientific meetings which disclose any contribution of devices and/or technical support by Bunnell, in accordance with the publisher’s conflict-of-interest disclosure policy.

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Clinical Research: Advances in Neonatal Care
Single center experience with first-intention high-frequency jet vs. volume-targeted ventilation in extremely preterm neonates
Dimitrios Rallis1,2, Danielle Ben-David1, Kendra Woo1,Jill Robinson1, David Beadles1, Laura Bernardini1,Elisa Abdulhayoglu1, Elizabeth Flanigan1 and Helen Christou1*Related
HFJV: Optimizing Gas Exchange and Outcome by Matching Ventilator Strategy to Disease Pathophysiology
Martin Keszler, MDBrown UniversityProvidence, RI Bio from Brown UniversityPhoto from LinkedIn Dr. Martin Keszler, from Providence, RI, puts his many years of HFJV research and experience into a concise, important lecture that covers Jet fundamentals. Dr. Keszler...
Response to High Frequency Jet Ventilation in Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns with Respiratory Failure: A Tertiary Center Experience
S. Grazioli 3, G. Stacey 1, J. Claydon 1, B. Kuzeljevic 2, J. Panczuk 1,Related
Marked Reduction in Mean Airway Pressure and Oxygenation Index Using High Frequency Jet Ventilation in Neonates with Refractory Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure
P. Friedlich; N. Subramanian; M. Garg. Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Division of Neonatology. Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.Related
The Use of High-Frequency Jet Ventilation in the Management of a Pre-term Infant with Pulmonary Stenosis and Respiratory Distress Syndrome. – A Case Report
Craig Wheeler, RRT, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA.Related
Clinical Research: PIE Neonates
Use of jet ventilation in thoracoscopic tracheo-esophageal fistula repair—can both surgeons and anesthesiologists be happy?
PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA Melissa Ehlers, Chad Pezzano, Laura Leduc, John Brooks, Plinio Silva, Helena Oechsner, Anica Crnkovic, Igor Galay & Farzana Afroze Departments of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USARelated
Ventilation of a 7 Year Old Victim of Crush Injury to the Upper Chest with Tracheal Bronchial Tears Using High Frequency Jet Ventilation
Joseph A. La Spada, Julie A. Long, Jorge Del Toro, and Jackson Wong, Division of Pediatrics and Division of Pediatric Surgery, Broward General Medical Center, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316. Presented at the 1998 Snowbird Conference on High Frequency Ventilation.Related
Multicenter controlled trial comparing high-frequency jet ventilation and conventional mechanical ventilation in newborn infants with pulmonary interstitial emphysema
Martin Keszler, MD. Steven M. Donn, MD, Richard L. Bucciarelli. MD. Dale C. Alverson, MD, Montgomery Hart. MD. Victor Lunyong, MD. Houchang D. Modanlou. MD. Akihiko Noguchi. MD. Stephen A. Pearlman. MD, Asha Purl, MD. David Smith, MBChB. Robert Stavis. PhD. MD....
Clinical Research: Advances in Pediatric Care
Pediatric HFJV: A Clinical Approach
Ira Cheifetz, MDRainbow Babies & Children's HospitalCleveland, OH Bio and Photo from University HospitalsDr. Cheifetz LinkedIn Dr. Ira Cheifetz, previously from Durham, NC, now practicing in Cleveland, Ohio, offers practical guidelines for applying the right...
High-Frequency Jet Ventilation in Neonatal and Pediatric Subjects: A Narrative Review
Andrew G Miller 1, Renee M Bartle 2, Kyle J Rehder 3 PMID: 33931517 DOI: 10.4187/respcare.08691 Free articleRelated Resources
High-Frequency Jet Ventilation in Pediatric Acute Respiratory Failure
Andrew G Miller, Kaitlyn E Haynes, Rachel M Gates, Karan R Kumar, Ira M Cheifetz and Alexandre T Rotta Respiratory Care February 2021, 66 (2) 191-198; DOI:
High-Frequency Jet Ventilation as Rescue Therapy in Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Villacres, Sindy1,,2; Escoto, Marcella1,,2; Longani, Neha1,,2; Fagan, Heather1,,2; Kahana, Madelyn1,,2; Maul, Timothy1,,2; Torres, Adalberto1,,2 Critical Care Medicine: January 2020 - Volume 48 - Issue 1 - p 579 doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000643736.40955.21 Related
Feasibility of High-Frequency Jet Ventilation in Children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Miller, Andrew1; Haynes, Kaitlyn1; Gates, Rachel1; Cheifetz, Ira1 Critical Care Medicine: January 2020 - Volume 48 - Issue 1 - p 578 doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000643728.33331.d4 Related
Clinical Research: Cardiac
So, Does Your Ventilatory Strategy Really Affect the Heart? It’s the System’s Fault, Not Mine
John Meliones, MD, MS, FCCMProfessor of PediatricsSection Chief of Pediatric Critical Care and Hospitalists MedicineChildren's Memorial Hermann Hospital, McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center HoustonMore information Dr. Jon Meliones...
Phenotyping respiratory decompensation following definitive closure of the patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants
Journal of Perinatology Craig R. Wheeler 1, Daniel Gagner1, Holly Stephens1, Amelia Kraus1, David Zurakowski 2, Kevin G. Friedman3, Juan C. Ibla2, Ryan Callahan3, Diego Porras3 and Philip T. Levy 4 © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature America,...
High-Frequency Jet Ventilation in Infants With Congenital Heart Disease
Andrew G Miller, Briana L Scott, Rachel M Gates, Kaitlyn E Haynes, Denise A Lopez Domowicz, and Alexandre T RottaRelated
High-Frequency Jet Ventilation for Respiratory Failure After Congenital Heart Surgery
Keith C. Koci, MD; Jon N. Meliones, MD; Mary K. Dekeon. RRT; Louise B. Callow, RN; Flavian M. Lupinetti, MD: and Edward L. Bove, MDRelated
High-Frequency Jet Ventilation Improves Cardiac Function After the Fontan Procedure
Jon N. Meliones, MD; Edward L Bove, MD; Mary K. Dekeon, RRT; Joseph R. Custer, MD; Frank W. Moler, MD; Louise R. Callow, RN, MSN; Niall C. Wilton, MD; and David 8. Rosen, MD Related
Clinical Research: HFV Comparisons
Use of High-Frequency Jet Ventilation in Neonates with Hypoxemia Refractory to High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation
P. Friedlich, N. Subramanian, M. Sebald, S. Noori and I. Seri USC Division of Neonatal Medicine, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles and the Women's and Children's Hospital, LAC+USC Medical Center; Department of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern...
Clinical Research:
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
High Frequency Jet Ventilation during Initial Management, Stabilization, and Transport of Newborn Infants with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Case Series
Qianshen Zhang,1, 2 Jason Macartney,3 Lita Sampaio,4 and Karel O’Brien2 1 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Maternal & Child Healthcare Hospital of Shenzhen City, Guangdong 518028, China 2 Department of Paediatrics, Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto,...
Protocolized approach to the management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia: benefits of reducing variability in care
Elisabeth T Tracy 1, Sarah E Mears, P Brian Smith, Melissa E Danko, Diana L Diesen, Kimberley A Fisher, Jeff C Hoehner, Ronald N Goldberg, C Michael Cotten, Henry E Rice Affiliations PMID: 20620342 PMCID: PMC3318997 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2010.02.104 Free PMC...
Clinical Research: Lung Protective Strategies
Response to High Frequency Jet Ventilation in Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns with Respiratory Failure: A Tertiary Center Experience
S. Grazioli 3, G. Stacey 1, J. Claydon 1, B. Kuzeljevic 2, J. Panczuk 1,Related
High Frequency Jet Ventilation (HFJV) In Mature Infants With Non-Homogeneous Lung Disease And Severe Gas Trapping
Loughnan, Peter M. Dept of Neonatology,Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne 3052,Vie. AustraliaRelated
Marked Reduction in Mean Airway Pressure and Oxygenation Index Using High Frequency Jet Ventilation in Neonates with Refractory Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure
P. Friedlich; N. Subramanian; M. Garg. Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Division of Neonatology. Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.Related
Marked Reduction in Mean Airway Pressure and Oxygenation Index Using High Frequency Jet Ventilation in Neonates with Refractory Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure.
P. Friedlich; N. Subramanian; M. Garg. Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Division of Neonatology. Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.Related
High-Frequency Jet Ventilation in Neonatal and Pediatric Subjects: A Narrative Review
Andrew G Miller 1, Renee M Bartle 2, Kyle J Rehder 3 PMID: 33931517 DOI: 10.4187/respcare.08691 Free articleRelated Resources
Clinical Research: Hall of Fame
So, Does Your Ventilatory Strategy Really Affect the Heart? It’s the System’s Fault, Not Mine
John Meliones, MD, MS, FCCMProfessor of PediatricsSection Chief of Pediatric Critical Care and Hospitalists MedicineChildren's Memorial Hermann Hospital, McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center HoustonMore information Dr. Jon Meliones...
HFJV: Optimizing Gas Exchange and Outcome by Matching Ventilator Strategy to Disease Pathophysiology
Martin Keszler, MDBrown UniversityProvidence, RI Bio from Brown UniversityPhoto from LinkedIn Dr. Martin Keszler, from Providence, RI, puts his many years of HFJV research and experience into a concise, important lecture that covers Jet fundamentals. Dr. Keszler...
An Introduction to HFJV
Sherry Courtney, M.D., M.S.Arkansas Children's HospitalLittle Rock, AR Bio and Photo from Arkansas Children’sDr. Courtney’s LinkedIn Dr. Sherry Courtney, from Arkansas Children's Medical Center offers a thorough, entertaining, and educational overiew of the Life Pulse...
Pediatric HFJV: A Clinical Approach
Ira Cheifetz, MDRainbow Babies & Children's HospitalCleveland, OH Bio and Photo from University HospitalsDr. Cheifetz LinkedIn Dr. Ira Cheifetz, previously from Durham, NC, now practicing in Cleveland, Ohio, offers practical guidelines for applying the right...
It’s Hi-time to Understand I-time: Relevance to Mechanical Ventilation Across the Frequency Spectrum
Jane Pillow, BMedSci MBBS FRACP PhDProfessor of PediatricsPerth, Western Australia Bio and photo from The University of Western AustraliaDr. Pillow’s LinkedIn Dr. Jane Pillow, from Perth, Western Australia, provides an important lecture on the importance of I-time and...